Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Atkins Diet.....

Atkins Diet.....

To do Atkins Diet you have to fase your diet in 2.

you can begin with the first fase for tow weeks or more ( it depends on how much weight extra you have).

The First fase:

  • All what you may eat.
  • All kind of meat (chicken, fish, birds, sea food....etc).
  • All kind of fats like ( Butter, olive oil, hazeloil, cornoil,.....etc), but it perefers to use not a lot.
  • The vegetabels you may eat are ( lettus, basilcum, rucla, spanges, parsley, coriander)
  • For salads you may use (garlic, onions, one tomato, one cucumber, half lemon, pickle).
  • You may drink coffee, tea but without milk and sugar, and you may drink tow glas of cola light or zero per day not more!!!!
  • Everything that i did'nt put it in the may place, that means you may not eat it.
P.s. if you share or subscribe i will put the second fase.........

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